Region Acceptance Process (RAP)

The Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Act, CWC Sec 10530 et seq., provides a general definition of an IRWM plan as well as guidance on what IRWM program guidelines must contain. CWC Sec 10541(f) states that the guidelines shall include standards for identifying a region for the purposes of developing or modifying an IRWM plan.

At a minimum, a region is defined as a contiguous geographic area encompassing the service areas of multiple local agencies; is defined to maximize the opportunities to integrate water management activities; and effectively integrates water management programs and projects within a hydrologic region defined in the California Water Plan, the Regional Water Quality Control Board region, or subdivision or other region specifically identified by DWR (Public Resource Code Sec 75026.(b)(1)).

The Region Acceptance Process (RAP) is a component of the IRWM grant program and is used to evaluate and accept an IRWM region into the IRWM grant program. The RAP is not a grant funding application; however, acceptance of the IRWM region into the IRWM grant program is an eligibility requirement for IRWM Implementation grant program.

The Proposition 1 2016 Guidelines (Volume 2, Section VI) details the RAP and information submittal requirements.

2016 RAP – San Gorgonio

San Gorgonio is the newest IRWM Region, having been granted conditional acceptance during the 2016 RAP. No public comments were received on the San Gorgonio RAP draft decision.

  • Final San Gorgonio IRWM Region Map (PDF)
  • San Gorgonio RAP Submittals (PDF)
  • San Gorgonio RAP Final Decision - Conditionally Accepted (PDF)
  • Integrated Regional Water Management 48 IRWM Planning Regions (Updated: March, 2018) (PDF)

Other RAP related documents can be found in the Library.