Calaveras River / Central California Traction Company Railroad Bridge Fish Passage Improvement Project

The Central California Traction Railroad Crossing (CCTRC) is located on the Stockton Diverting Canal, in San Joaquin County.


The project will open up approximately 13.4 miles of stream to salmon and steelhead. Proposed alternatives include possible modifications to the existing flume or the addition of a second, larger flume and construction of a rock ramp downstream. Life cycle monitoring for salmon and steelhead will be conducted after completion of the project. We contributed to the project by developing and modeling fish passage concepts to improve fish passage at the site. We also completed the topographic survey and hydraulic modeling, and have led project coordination.




Is this an Active Project or Completed Project? Active


Active Watershed: Calaveras River

Why is the project needed? What are the project goals?


The CCTRC is a barrier to salmonids at certain flows and times of the year. These species include the federally threatened Central Valley steelhead and the fall-run Chinook salmon. This project will improve upstream and downstream fish passage at the CCTRC on the Stockton Diverting Canal at river mile 1 for migratory adult and juvenile fish species. All the alternatives will provide appropriate conditions for fish passage at a minimum flow of 30 cubic feet per second (cfs).




We work with the Central California Traction Rail Company, Stockton East Water District (SEWD), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). The California Fish Passage Forum supports this project.